Marcel BOUILLOUX-LAFONT          


The Post Office Department designated any contract air mail route flown by an airline into/from a foreign country into/from the US as a "Foreign Air Mail" route. The Foreign Air Mail routes became known as FAM's.

FAM-6: FAM-6 was awarded to Pan American Airways.
        Pan Am inaugurated FAM-6 on January 9, 1929 using land aircraft including the Fokker F-10, Ford Trimotor and the Fokker F-7 between Miami FL, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Puerto Rico. Various Pan Am pilots including Edwin C Musick, CD Swinson, Basil L Rowe and RH Fatt piloted these inter-island Caribbean flights. FAM-6 would eventually extend onward via the Caribbean Islands to northern South America and down the eastern coast of South America to Brazil and Argentina. FAM-6 when combined with FAM-5 would come to be known as the "Lindbergh Circle" with flights circumnavigating the Caribbean Sea. source